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Mana Kai is a full service honey and beekeeping operation.

We offer services beekeeping, honey extraction and horticultural expertise. 


Te Pouaka Pi


Beekeeping is our passion and our dream.

Our beekeeping business is a combination
of classical beekeeping combined with modern,
innovative thinking and science.

We are commercial beekeepers operating 2,000 beehives for Honey Production, Avocado Pollination, and Queen Rearing.

Our beehive operations service areas both nearby and remote.

Our beehive operations service areas both nearby and remote.


Our team of skilled Beekeepers consists of over 7 staff who are out working the hives daily.

Together, our senior beekeepers have over
20 years’ beekeeping experience in both
New Zealand and internationally.
Beekeepers play a vital role in managing
and protecting our honeybees.
It is a humbling responsibility
and not taken for granted.
We are continually responding to
the needs of our bees and to the
constantly changing environment
they work within.

We have hive yards located in many areas
of the North Island by landowners who kindly host
between 20 and 1,000 beehives for us.

We are always in pursuit of the ultimate beehive.

Sera Grubb Managing Director

Sera Grubb
Managing Director


The Extraction Factory
Te Whare o Te Miere


Mana Kai Honey owns and operates
a “hands-on” honey extraction facility,
servicing over 30 beekeepers and
their combined 15,000 beehives. 

Mana Kai Honey Extraction

Mana Kai Extraction


The factory is currently operated by a dedicated team of four. We have the resource to provide a honey moisture reduction service and temperature controlled storage for honey growth.

We offer a fully transparent process and pride ourselves on providing an honest service with integrity.

Mana Kai Honey extraction is not only about transferring the honey from the beehive to us, it is about coming together for friendship, sharing and learning.

Our experience shows the importance of working together — it is important to communicate and share with other beekeepers.  We can learn from, and teach others, so that we all master beekeeping together.

Our honey house is listed as a registered exporter and we operate under an RMP which is administered by the New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries to produce Export Quality honey.




We're Passionate About Pollination.

We provide a professional beehive pollination service to orchards in the north of NZ.

We take pride in providing strong, well presented beehives to support
your business with bee pollination.


Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the male part of a flower (anther) to the female part of a flower (stigma) to achieve fertilisation.  The fertilised flower, forms a fruit.

Poor pollination results in poor crops. Honey bees are the most important pollinators in agriculture due to their abundance and their precision in transferring pollen efficiently. Honey bees and pollination are the primary means of increasing crop yields.

Pollination is a beneficial interaction for both the bee and the flower.  For delivering pollen to the flowers, the bees receive a gift such as; nectar, pollen or resin.  

Our team of professional beekeepers manage more than 1,500 beehives. We intend to develop our hive stock to 5,000 to ensure sufficient beehives to support the growth of our agricultural industry.

We are always happy to meet new clients and re-visit existing clients we have developed relationships with over the years.

Please contact us if you would like to learn more. We would be happy to visit you and your orchard.